Packing, planning, cleaning, staging a home, and planning out your new home can be a lot of work, and we want to be there for you every step of the way. In a perfect world a person should feel overjoyed when they are moving to a new home, not stressed and overwhelmed.

When you move we want you to have the best experience possible, and when you combined services we can help reduce your rate to give you optimal value.

Let’s help you be like this

Not Like this

Organising packing and decluttering, also know as junk removal take a lot of time, patience, and trust. We love to provide as personal a touch as possible so you know that we will treat your items with the utmost care and respect., and we will never dispose of anything of yours without being completely sure you don’t want it or need it anymore. Sometimes some good organisation and basic cleaning can completely open up a space and revitalise it.

So let’s talk specifics

What we can do for you.



Help sell some of your goods online


Pack your home

Pre Move Prep

Plan your new space

Help stage your home

Paint your home

Please stop staring at that empty box, and give us a call today!

We will speak about pricing entirely upfront, and even if you decide you want to do it yourself. We can give you some free helpful tips. Check our contacts page or call Mike or Joseph to get started today.

Mike 705-309-4568

Joseph 416-998-5037